What We Do

Holom Health endeavours to provide an effective, clear & sustainable way to support all areas of your health. The following healing modalities may be used to support your journey to wellness. These naturopathic tools form the basis of your individualised treatment plan and may be enriched with ongoing lifestyle recommendations.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is a treatment modality using the healing properties of plants as medicine. Modern day herbal medicine or phototherapy combines the ancient wisdom of traditional plant medicine with current scientific research. It is used to support the body’s innate ability to heal itself, by restoring balance and increasing vitality.

Qualified naturopaths are able to access many high quality standardised herbal medicines in the form of dried herbs, extracts, tinctures, powders and tablets. It is believed that the active ingredients in herbs are supported by the actions of its other chemical constituents, known as whole herb synergy. This allows the herbs to exert therapeutic benefits while reducing the potential for unwanted side effects. Herbal remedies are suitable for both acute and chronic conditions. 

Your practitioner may individually prescribe and dispense herbal medicines based on the presenting symptoms and underlying root cause, following a detailed case history and thorough consultation. 


At Holom Health, we use a foundational holistic approach to nutrition, with a ‘food as medicine’ philosophy. Diet and nutrition play an essential role in health and longevity, serving as the building blocks for the body’s ability to heal itself. Recognising that human physiology, biochemistry, pathology and anatomy are intricately interwoven we aim to provide tailored nutrition advice to support your unique healing journey. 

Nutritional intervention or supplementation may be recommended as part of your holistic individualised treatment plan. While we believe in a foundational approach to nutrition, with a balanced diet at the forefront, there may been instances where nutritional supplementation may be indicated.

Flower Essence Therapy 

Flower essences are liquid extracts used to address issues of emotional wellbeing and mind-body health. Holom Health recognises the interconnection between dis-ease and emotions, therefore flower essences may be used as part of your individualised treatment plan in order to help you move through difficult emotions, bring about clarity or spiritual balance.

Holom Health uses Australian Bush Flower Essences and Bach Flower Remedies. A dose bottle of flower essence/s may be prepared by your practitioner depending on your individual circumstances and needs at the time.


Iridology is the study of health through the examination of the colour and structure of the iris, sclera and pupil. It is believed that the iris has a connection to every organ and tissue of the body linked via the nervous system. Information is sent to the brain through the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes and at the same time information is sent back to the eyes by the brain. The colour pattern of your eye reflects your unique genetic inheritance. Whether you develop or express these dispositions, for better or worse depends on your diet, environment and psycho-social factors. 

During the consultation, your practitioner may assess the colour, fibre and structure variations in your iris to inform the constitutional strength of your physical body. It is important to note iridology is not a treatment therapy rather, it is a screening tool used to detect inherent and individual predispositions.

Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic testing may form a part of your treatment plan in order to gather and assess pertinent clinical information. Testing may assist your practitioner in determining the underlying cause of dis-ease that can affect your health and wellbeing. To determine the best course of treatment, an evidence-based approach is used. Diagnostic testing can provide valuable insights to your current state of health by eliminating other causes of your symptoms, as there can often be more than one. Diagnostic testing, if required may be ordered privately by your practitioner including blood testing and functional pathology.